Last evening in the village :(
The last volunteer is gone and life here rolls on..
07/01/2015Monday morning was busy. The sound of suitcases rolling up to the main center and lots of chatter could be heard. Everyone feeling a bit anxious about the long flights ahead and about saying goodbye to new friends and this beautiful place. The team wandered up to breakfast after showers and packing up those last minute items. Some pictures were taken and everyone waited for the sound of the car to come rumbling down the dirt road to pick us up.
During the morning I had received a call from Tovia letting me know that the hospital wanted to release Tamweka, but wouldn’t do it until I came and paid the bill. We also needed to figure out how to get Tamweka and her caregiver home to Adziwa. I planned to go to the airport with the group and then have the same car take me to the hospital to pay and pick them up. I first had to figure out how much the bill was so that I could exchange US dollars for Kwatcha. I asked Tovia to make some calls and let me know. It seemed like everything would work out. A while later I got a call from Guy telling me I wouldn’t be able to ride to the airport with the group because he needed the car for something after and it wouldn’t be available to bring me back. Now I had to make plan B and break it to the volunteers that I wouldn’t be going to say goodbye to them at the airport. Guy called back and told me he could get me another car later in the morning to take me to the hospital. I didn’t want to tell everyone just yet that I couldn’t go with them. They were busy saying all of their goodbyes and I didn’t want to overwhelm them with yet another. The car arrived and everyone’s things were packed in. I asked the driver if he could take me up to the lodge and drop me off on the way to the airport. He said it was fine so we all loaded up. The village team was all there waving and it was clear nobody wanted the group to leave. Goodbye is inevitable though so we bumped off up the road waving and wishing for more time.
As we got to the lodge I let the team know I couldn’t go with them and we would need to say goodbye here. I hopped out and opened up the back of the van. I hugged a tearful Shannon and then looked up at the rest to see them all with tears streaming down their faces 🙁 the time had come and saying goodbye to me made the trip officially over. I made my farewell quick and then closed up the door and waved one last time.
Another great trip to put on the With Change In Mind book! Special people and so many memories. I will miss their faces around the village and I hope they all find their way back again someday.
The car that was to take me to the hospital showed up about an hour later. By that time I had been able to get the total owed to the hospital and exchange enough US dollars. The bill was $128. Hard to believe that 6 days in the hospital was only $128! I was certainly concerned that it would be more. Arriving at the hospital I went to the nurses station to let them know I was there to collect Tamweka. I looked down the long hallway and saw her little face peeking out of the door. When she saw it was me she came running out with a huge grin on her face. She reached up and took my hand, as if to say “let’s get outa here!” I had some paperwork to collect and needed to pay at the cashier. Tamweka wasn’t leaving my side! I think she wanted to make sure I wasn’t leaving without her this time. After all of that was done I went to see if I could speak with the doctor to get any information I might need about Tamwekas after care. We were able to meet with her shortly and hear how incredible it was that Tamweka had recovered so quickly. She told me that Tamweka had recovered quickly once on the antibiotics and even though the X-ray possibly showed signs of TB it was her belief that it was just a horrible case of pneumonia.
We headed for the car and found her caregiver waiting there outside for us. I buckled up Tamweka and we headed for Adziwa. Her caregiver thanked me and told me she didn’t know how to repay what I had done. I told her I was happy to do it. The rest of the ride was mostly in silence. Tamweka arrived back at Adziwa to lots of friends telling her how glad they were that she was better.
I found Tovia and gave instructions to her. I told her that even though Tamweka is 7 years old she should be eating the meal WCIM provides each day. I would also be buying some peanut butter that needed to be mixed in with her morning porridge. Even though Tamweka is better she still isn’t very healthy. For years she has shown signs of malnutrition and it’s time we handle that. Last year she looked great so I’m not sure what changed. I plan to meet with her caregiver and Tovia later this week and find out though. It’s wonderful to have a few days to get things in order up at Adziwa and take care of these kind of issues. Hiring Tovia was a great choice because now we have her there on site everyday. I do think I will need to make a trip at the end of this year just to make sure all is going well. We have so much happening and I don’t want it all to fall apart because I’m only physically around once a year. Hard to explain but I think it’s the right thing.
I had one volunteer who wasn’t leaving until Tuesday. Liz was back at the village relaxing so I headed there to check in with her and see if she needed help packing or anything. Her and I decided to go up to the lodge for some internet time and to have a drink. Even though we had had a celebration last night, tonight was her official last night so we wanted to do something. At around 6 we came back to the village for dinner. There is a big group staying in the village and they had a cultural evening planned. Liz and I were able to watch the program and chat with some new faces. A very nice group from Land O Lakes (the butter people). They have some food stability projects in Malawi and are visiting those sites over the next few days. Liz and I were both tired so we didn’t stay up to late.
Tomorrow would be another busy day with a trip to the airport and then back to Adziwa to take care of some things. I also need to get busy on sourcing supplies for the next groups projects 🙂 lots to do!!
1 Comment
Hopefully now that Tamweka is better you can relax a little with that big worry off your mind!