New experiences
A fast start!
07/08/2015Saturday and Sunday were eventful, but relaxed. Finalizing details for the second trip and recharging my batteries. It’s Monday morning and I have 3 hours until I leave to pick up the next team. This years second group is special for all kinds of reasons so I’m extra excited! We have a group of 7 arriving today and then the last of the group will arrive tomorrow afternoon. We have volunteers in this group ranging in age from 17 to 74. Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good group dynamic. I think this team is going to be one I will enjoy watching and working with.
I am lucky to have my daughter Lauren on this team. She has been watching me travel back and forth to Malawi since 2007 and now it’s finally her turn. I have no idea how this experience will be for her, but my hope is that she loves Malawi and this experience as much as I have over the years. When I asked her what she was most excited about her answer surprised me. She said she was most excited to meet my friends. She said she has heard all my stories over the years and now can’t wait to meet all of these people I talk about in person. A sweet thing for her to say.
My father and one of my brothers will also be a part of this team. My father had been to Malawi with me once before, but never on a With Change In Mind trip. I’m thrilled to share with him the experience we have been able to create for volunteers. I think he will see just how far I have come and how much we have been able to do since starting the nonprofit. My brother has never been to Africa, but has been saying he wants to come for a few years. I think for him this trip will be nothing like he expects, but in the end that will be what he loves about it.
One of our WCIM board members also has her mother joining this group. Dena traveled with us 2 years ago. After sharing her experience with her mom she started to feel that she also might want to take the leap. Dena’s mother and father have been strong supporters of WCIM for several years now. I’m excited to show Sherry what her support has accomplished and also guide her through this amazing journey. It’s now her turn to have her own adventure with us and then share it with her daughter Dena.
Some of you might remember that last year we had a man named Gordon come to Malawi with us. He helped to screen hundreds of people here in the places we work for eyeglasses. After learning about his experience his sister decided to join one of our trips. I’m excited to finally meet Jan and see what her experience in Malawi will bring!
My long time friend and WCIM supporter Phil will also be a part of this team. This will be his third trip to Malawi and second time traveling on a WCIM trip. Phil is special for many reasons, but one of my favorite reasons is that he was the FIRST With Change In Mind volunteer. Our first trip in 2011 had only one passenger and it was Phil. Together he and I worked long days to build compost toilets. Many people told me to cancel that first year because we only had one volunteer. I refused to let that stop us and I’m glad I did. Every year since then we have increased our volunteers and our supporters. I’m excited to have him back again.
We have two other men jointing the group. I don’t know either of them very well, but I’m sure over the next two weeks you will hear stories. One is 17 years old and the other is my brothers best friend. We have a lot to accomplish over the next two weeks and if any group can make it all happen in will be this one. It’s going to be a great adventure and I look forward to sharing it with all of you!!
I’m back to the village today so my internet use will be few and far between again. I’ll do my best to post often and keep you all in the loop!
Wish us luck!
Your excitement is contagious! Hope everything goes great and everyone has a wonderful experience!
Very exciting!
So excited for all of you! 🙂
I’m so excited for you guys!! Love you!
Hi Erin! I’m Taylor’s girlfriend, Anna. Thank you for keeping a blog. I’m excited to follow this team’s journey over these next couple of weeks. I hope all is well in Malawi!
U never cease to amaze me, Erin! Look at this wonderful and unique group of people that only YOU and God could’ve brought together 🙂 IM SO EXCITED!!!!