A fast start!
07/11/2015Things are coming along. We are now in a kind of groove. That only comes with time and lots of working together. I think each volunteer has hit a stride and I’m proud of all of them. They seem at home here and have all been overwhelmed by the kindness and beauty of Malawi.
Each day we have made a list of goals and most days we have come very close to achieving what we have set out to. I think it’s sort of funny that this group, which is mostly men has taken some time adjusting to the “way things are”. What I mean is that this team is highly motivated and easily frustrated when we don’t have the tools or supplies we need to accomplish something. I have had to remind them that we are in Malawi. Things don’t happen quickly and things don’t sometimes even happen at all. It takes hours some days just to collect the tools we need or to source materials. We are making progress though. I think today we all left the job site feeling as if we came along way. Lots of waiting, organizing and then bursts of hard work. As of this afternoon we have set the swing set in concrete, completed the tire dome, started work on a brick bench seat for the caregivers, and completed a tire caterpillar for the kids to play on. Some of our plans have been altered, but we are very close to the original plan (which is great).
Group dynamics are good. I love being with my dad, daughter and brother. The rest of the team is getting along great and I feel lucky to have each of them as a part of this group.
We have planned to be finished Friday and hand over the learning center. It will be a big accomplishment of we in fact get it done by then. I feel good about it though 🙂
Jan and Sherry are loving getting to know the daycare workers and Tovia. Each time I go see what they are doing there is lots of chatting and laughter. They both should be able to cook a great Malawian meal when they are home. They also will be able to add baby washing to their resumes. They both ask great questions about the children’s program and are giving helpful advice about to make things better for the kids. Today they spent time exercising the little ones, singing songs and playing games.
The team had been enjoying our daily walk and Jan and Sherry have both been given walking sticks. I don’t know if Sai will be getting those back 🙂 they seem to really love them!
Our two youngest volunteers, Lauren and Jack are both doing an incredible job. I could have never held my own like they are doing at that age. Both have a great work ethic and are unafraid to share their point of view with the group. There are no shortages of ideas being exchanged and without ALL of the brains involved here we never could have solved the problems that have come up. Working as a team can be difficult when so many personalities are present, but not with this group.
We stayed up last night playing cards and everyone seemed to enjoy just sitting and laughing. “The food has been great” is something I have heard from everyone so I think we are feeding the team well. All in all we are doing well and moving forward.
Tamweka is looking really healthy and has loved getting to play with Lauren each day. It has been sweet to watch her interact with the kids here.
I could go on but I have to run. Hope this update is what you all needed and I’ll post again tomorrow! Hugs to you all!
Sherry’s knee is doing fine 🙂
I just got a little teary eyed reading this! 🙂
I’m with Heather…goosebumps and tears this morning. Sending you all my love. xoxo
Loved reading this! So excited to hear about Lauren too! Sounds like everything is going smoothly and credit goes to the leader for that!!! Love and kisse
Nothing like Malawi to help a bad knee 🙂
Glad to hear you’re all in a good groove! Way to go!