Board of Directors

Erin Hempen
Founder/ Executive Director
Erin was raised in a suburb of Seattle, Washington. She grew up on the west coast, then moved to the midwest and now finds herself on the east coast. She likes to say that the next move will naturally be to Malawi!
Erin’s love of service started at a young age. Her parents and grandparents always encouraged her to participate in volunteer projects whenever she could. Throughout her life this love of service and volunteering has continued to grow. Sharing that is her greatest joy.
She lives and works in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband Patrick and her two daughters Lauren and Elyse.
Erin founded With Change In Mind in 2011 and the rest is history as they say!
Most days you will find her clicking away on her computer working hard spreading the word about With Change In Mind. She is often heard encouraging others to do what their heart calls them to.
She absolutely loves preparing volunteers for their adventures and taking incredible care of them while they are in Malawi. She takes great pride in the fact that her organization caters to people of all ages and all walks of life. It’s her hope that once people experience an adventure with With Change In Mind their life will forever be changed for the better.
Erin loves to speak to groups about volunteering locally and abroad, our program, and how she started With Change In Mind. Feel free to contact her anytime using the contact form on this site.

David Willett
David Willett was a long time resident of the Seattle area where he raised his family and worked as an Architect for nearly 40 years. David recently retired from a large public university where for 19 years he was a senior architect and project manager. He is currently living in Palm Springs, California and is active in a variety of ways in his community as well as serving on our board.
David has worked with many charitable organizations over the past 40 years in his capacity as an architect. He is the individual at With Change In Mind that assists us with planning our building projects, both large and small. He brings a solid foundation in design assistance to our varied projects. David has enjoyed meeting our volunteers and assisting them with the construction projects when he is able to travel with us to Malawi.

Margot Sue Mahannah
Margot Sue Mahannah hails from California but considers herself a citizen of the world. She previously held a job with the U.S. Government in Tanzania, where she fell in love with East Africa while she was getting her Masters in Public Health from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. After graduation, she worked for a non-profit called Population Services International (PSI) where she continued working in East Africa, helping to support programs in HIV prevention, malaria, child survival and reproductive health in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi and Somaliland.
Margot never thought she would be able to head to the "warm heart of Africa" again, but was honored and excited to work with With Change In Mind to provide family planning training for community members in a small village in Malawi. Margot is passionate and committed to delivering value to under-served populations through sustainable behavior change.

Dena Hensel
Dena jumped at the chance to get involved as soon as she first heard about WCIM. She lives to motivate people to live out their passion. Her passion is feeding hungry people in her profession and in her philanthropic interests. She is quirky and high energy and she looks forward to meeting YOU on one of our trips!
Dena’s email

Alyson Connor
Alyson Connor has a passion for public health and health education. She has spent the past 25 years working to change health behaviors in a variety of different populations. Alyson has experience in healthcare marketing, public health, and research. She currently serves as President of MicroMass Communications, a behavioral science based healthcare marketing company in Cary, NC. Alyson loves building community health programs and is excited to work with With Change in Mind to continue to provide family planning training in Malawi.

Kate Ormond
Kate Ormond is a speech-language pathologist with a heart for serving children of all ages and their families through her practice. She has a Masters in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Penn State University and has worked in education for over 15 years in NJ, PA and currently NC where she lives with her husband Rodney and their two children, Avery and Will.
Kate applies her experience and love for helping others by volunteering within her community and collaborating with local preschools to support the unique, individual needs of all students. She is passionate about helping children find their voice and reach their full potential, beginning at a young age. She is inspired by the opportunity to serve with WCIM and is excited for all that is to come from their work in Malawi.